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I managed to skip the entire last section because apparently if you go back to an already played section, you can recollect the coins and regain the energy there.

(1 edit)

Yeah, that’s a bug we missed until it was too late. It’s listed in the comments as a known issue below, but it’s easy to miss. Thanks for letting us know!

This bug has been fixed!


this is so good aaaaa


Extremely fun and cute platformer, not too hard, not too easy and with a couple of fun mechanics to keep things fun; I am not sure but I think I skipped a part of the game and kinda cheated at the end haha, but still a pretty solid experience.

Also thumbs up for allowing the remapping of the controls!

Keep up the good work!

(9 edits)

Known issues:

  • Some reports of dialogue not starting in room with spirit

If you get stuck, you can find a solution in this video playthrough from awesome artist and the team’s main playtester, Posce